Jesus’ political kin-dom: separating church and state.

I lived at home while going to the University of Kentucky and worked at the YWCA  Afterschool program. Every weekday, I parallel parked a 15 passenger van in two school zones, played Whiffle ball, soccer, went swimming, double dutched, went to the library, and helped with homework. It was a great job!   As a […]

Compassion is essential

It had been raining for two weeks, and the forecast called for thunderstorms. Everybody wanted to get a game in. I am unsure of the benefits of organized league sports for four and five year olds, but I signed up to coach.  Lily, with her big purple hair bows that matched our jersey, was set […]

Seeing Jesus in every face

Today is Trinity Sunday, where we consider: God in three persons. All week, I considered leaving this lectionary theme to address the newscycle. However, perhaps our understanding of God might guide our living with each other. If  God exists in relationship what does that mean for our relationships with each other?    Years ago, an elementary […]