Love never fails to change us

On Monday, I used this pair of scissors and cut the ribbon on one of the tiny homes at the Village at Glencliff. I felt a holy rush like I was elevating the offering plates or communion loaf to God for the first time. A priest links the people to God, and so, with these […]

What is your axis mundi?

What is your summum bonum? In seminary, we enjoyed tossing around such fancy Latin terms. Summum bonum (sum of goodness) means the highest good or the essence of goodness itself. How do you sum up goodness? How do you express goodness in your life? Another seminary word of the day was axis mundi (world’s axle). […]

uncovering our ears- hearing the prophetic

Homecomings are not always easy, but most do not go as poorly as Luke 4, where Jesus’ home congregation tried to throw him off a cliff. When Jesus went home, I imagine Jesus’ hometown remembered with pride how twenty years prior, twelve year old Jesus blew away the nation’s leading Bible experts. (Luke 3) On […]